Monday Nov. 13!
Today is Monday November 13, the day they will choose Ms Colombia..! I love this day, because obviously they choose Ms. Colombia. The day they choose Ms. Colombia is a day in which all childrens, doughters, and sons stay in their houses, or go out but with their parents. They wait anciously the moment they will choose the women that will represent us for a whole year. I think I'm not the only one that love this day I'm sure all the childrens in the world like the day they choose their Ms.______...What I like of this day is that I stay with my family, and really I like to say my opinions of each of the participants.
This year I think that all the participants are very good. they've kind, and very good pèrsons. They effort you can notice it by only seeing. It seems they've worked very hard to mantain in the place they are. Maybe you see a participant and you say to yourself like they really dont do anything. But you know what they dont eat that ice cream you eat all of the days. They need to mantain in a wight, and to mantain the weight that includes not to eat ice cream and all dose things. i think you should feel happy when they choose Ms. Colombia or the one of your state, country, etc, because you might thing they dont do anything to be there but you're wrong they do more than what you think. I love when they choose Ms. Colombia, or Ms. Universe, and because they are going to choose Ms. Colombia today I'm happy!:)
...Monsters Are Due on Maple Street...
Well, what I think of “Monsters are Due on Maple Street” is that it has many different, but good messages. One of the twenty messages is do not blame others if you don’t have a good reason to do it. I think that’s the main message because in the story all the residents of Maple Street were blaming each other only because reasons not really important. Maybe important reasons but what about if they were wrong?, or what about if the person that did all that was the one blaming others? that's called a scapegoat, a person who blames others because of his or her problem. And the second best message is that sometime our worst enemy can be ourselves, because in the story they were aliens who were controlling the light even though they were the ones causing the light problem, the residents of Maple Street were blaming each other. I can still remember in the story when Steve says to Charlie to do not say to him who do Steve needs to afford. That the only thing that was going to happen was that they were going to eat all up alive!
I think that's a good message. It can express many things such as be a good friend, dont look for scapegoat, treat others like you want them to treat you. This message is great message, that's why still it has significance and it will still continue having it. I think is a good message because dose things can happen to anyone. Even to you! Is that sometimes you don't notice them. Once it happened to me something similar. I was in my house, I just had came from soccer, and I was tired. I went to the kitchen and I saw a bottle of Coke. I didn't think about it I just drink it! When my mom came she asked who drinked her coke, and anybody answered...My brother and I just started blaming ouselves..I know that I did it, and that I did bad by blaming him, but what about my brother, did he had a clue or something that maked him think I was...Maybe yes maybe no.
Now I really think the play of "Monsters are Due on Maple Street" should be updated. It has passed time since that ply was made till now. Obvously things have changes alot. If they say me to update "Monsters are ue on Maple Street" I will upodated alot so it will make citizens of this year like it. I will update things such as: make more modern the cars, the clothing chane it to clothe is used today, and the most important thing, change the idea of aliens, like make it another thing or person, because today scientists have proved there's almost no possiblity that aiens appear here.
So here is what I think of the play "Monsters are Due on Maple Street", which is a good story but like all the movies need at certain time, it needs an update, which I did. Hope you like it! ;)...