Thursday, January 11, 2007


My name is Natalia. But my friends often call me Naty. I live in Cartagena, Colombia, and I study in the Jorge Washington school. I’m 13 years old, but I just become it in December 7. This year we have a great teacher called Mr. Hide who put us a project. For that project we needed to answer a question. That question is what worries us most about the future. Really I think well before answering the question and really they are many things that worry me about the future, but I’m just gonna put the most important for me and for other persons that also have some things about Earth that worry them.

Some of the things that worries me and other persons than me are the bad treating of kids in the world. Really the kids are a key for the world, they are the future, but they are some persons that don’t take the sufficient care on them. Some examples are that kids are left out like if they were nothing. We need to really show the world the really importance of them.

That’s not the only thing that worries me. That other thing is Pollution. I think pollution is a very important part. I think that if anybody takes care of Earth(pollution) is gonna form a big problem. That’s because if there is pollution many animals and including humans can die. That’s because pollution is very bad and dangerous. Also they are many sorces of pollution such as cars, sprays and more things. That things not only make pollution, those objects also are destroying the O zone layer. That ais making persons to get sick when going to the beach and putting in front of the sun for many time, because, as I just told you that some things are destroying the O zone layer, that makes the sun hit the Earth directly, so the direct sun rays are bad. That’s why we need to try to prevent dose things.

This are some of the thing that worry me of the future. In overall, it worries me that not all the persons treat kids well, and the pollution, in other worlds the Ozone layer.


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